Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tan Zone

Seriously, folks, there just isn't anything funny about an uneven tan. Sure, it's easy to joke..."redneck" or maybe even "farmer's tan", but do you ever stop to think about the pain these poor folks endure? My uncle had a "farmer's tan" and he died. The doctors even had a fancy name for it - "myocardial infarction". That's right, death by bad tan (I'm pretty sure it's Latin).

The Tan Zone understands how serious this is, which is why they currently have a Mystic Tan offer - 2 for $24 (they recommend calling for details). This is yet another Yellow Book coupon, expiring 04/08.

Tan Zone

Vestavia, (205) 978-2826

Pelham, (205) 733-2826

Homewood, (205) 879-9040

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